Friday, December 16, 2011

10 days till christmas - 22 days til DUE DATE!

Only a little over three weeks left!! I honestly cannot believe how fast time has gone! I am so ready to meet this little guy but i think i am going to miss being pregnant. These past couple of months have been a breeze and i love feeling him kick and squirm around!!
We had our 37 week appointment today, and as of now I am 1-2 cm dilated, 50% effaced and baby is in -3 station. I am in NO way in active labor. . . But baby and my body are getting ready! Doc said that "we are growing a big one" and she doesn't believe that i will make it to my due date.  I still think that the little guy will mosey on out a couple of days late - but that's just me!
We had our baby shower a couple of weeks ago and it went GREAT! we are so blessed to have such great friends and family! Even the people that could not come have offered such good advice and encouragement! I feel like we have everything ready for baby a's arrival, but i am sure something will pop up that we forgot.
One big bummer is that our hospital does not have WIFI or any Internet activity so face booking or blogging will be out of the picture until we get home. . . But that's ok - means i get to spend more one-on-one time with they little guy!
That's about it for now. Below are pics of the completed nursery (minus our rocker which we will keep in our room for a couple of weeks) as well as some newer BIG BELLY pics!

Close up view of the BIG belly!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

34 weeks

Today makes thirty four weeks! Went to the doctors today and i didn't gain a single pound!! YAY! I think that they will be shocked at my next appointment. . . Since i have no intention of dieting or holding back for thanksgiving!
Got to hear Baby Audie's heartbeat and doc says everything is perfect! I have been watching my little brother and sister this week, so they went to the appointment with me and were pretty excited to get to hear the baby! They have loved feeling him move around.
Got a little more work done on the babies room. Next weekend is our baby shower (!!!!!) and hopefully i will get everything organized and put away after that, so we won't have much to do close to the holidays!
Only update i received from the doctor was that the baby is sprawled out sideways and has not yet 'assumed the position' - which is no big deal at this point. He still has a couple more weeks before he needs to get ready for his grand entrance. That's about it for now. . . HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

My awesome family is throwing me a baby shower!!! We are super excited! 

 Gabriel, grossed out cause my whole belly just moved. 

Autumn wanted a picture feeling my belly too! 

Baby bump at 34 weeks... HOLY MOLY - getting big! 

Took some discontinued fabric from work and made little Audie some wall decor for his room! 
We will post pictures when the room is done. 

Baby Addie liked playing with my belly botton too! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

32 weeks - two months to go!

ONLY 8 MORE WEEKS til baby!! wow - has time gone by super super quick!
Everything is great.  Baby is growing and staying very active and i am growing and getting less active!
I went to the doctor today and the babies heartbeat is 142 and LOUD! He was squirming all around and making loud thumping noises on the little stethoscope machine.  I love seeing how he has a personality, even before he is born.  Our little guy HATES cold things on my belly and will kick and squirm all around if anyone pushes or prods on his little home. He also reacts when he hears music. I will put some music on my phone and put it up to my belly and within a couple of minutes, he's going wild! He sure is a strong little guy, as his kicks wake me up in the middle of the night now. Everything else was normal and routine at the doc visit, so not much to share there.  The next time we go is Nov 23rd, and they will confirm our due date at that point. The original due date is January 6th. . . I am saying the baby will be right around that date, and Audie estimates that he'll make his entrance early at or around Christmas. . . We'll see who wins this one!! 
Audie and I are all settled in the new house and ALMOST have the babies room done (I will post pictures when it is complete! Now we are just waiting and preparing for our thanksgiving feast (i cannot wait)!  I have a couple of new pics showing the baby belly below. Peace out!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

29 weeks!!!

We’ve made it to week 28!  Only have 12 weeks to go! Starting to get super excited! Audie is now working in Ohio.  We have made the haul across country and are all moved in to our new house! It’s been fun to start getting the baby’s room ready and see things come together. . . (we have a little sneak peak picture of little Audie’s room below)!
Unfortunately, due to the change in jobs and the move, I have not been to the doctor since week 23, so our priority this week is to find a good doctor in our area, and get in for an appointment.  I have been calling around and have actually been DENIED by several doctors. Just an FYI for you moms to be – A doctor’s office can deny any pregnant patient that is further then 20 weeks along.  WHO KNEW! I am still unsure why I am getting denied, but my old doctor’s office has written up a letter of recommendation and sent that, along with my medical files, to several other doctors in the area.  I am sure we will find a great doctor very soon!  Luckily our little baby is a go-with-the-flow-er and we have had no problems or complications that may need a doctor’s attention!
I am really starting to pop out now, which makes it harder to breathe and doing daily tasks have become more of a chore. Our little guy is still very active and likes to kick and squirm around quite frequently.  My cravings for apples have subsided as it now gives me massive heartburn – come to think of it. . . EVERYTHING gives me heartburn these days!  I am sleeping great, feeling great, and am loving pregnancy, other than constantly feeling like I am going to self-combust at any moment due to the intense heartburn.  I wish I would have invested in some anti-acid stocks before getting preggo – I would have made myself rich!!

I know this post isn’t super exciting or super informative but that’s about all the new news we have for now. I will keep you updated after our next appointment! Enjoy the pics! 

Baby Belly at 28 Weeks 

Little preview of the babies room! 

Baby Belly at 29 weeks!


Friday, September 9, 2011

23 weeks and getting big!

I cannot believe that it has been 5 weeks since my last post. Seems like I just updated this site a week ago.  Not much has changed in the baby department. Our little baby is still VERY active and keeps mommy running around looking for food!  I am not a morning person AT ALL but i usually have to get up sometime between 8-9 just to get a snack (that's early for me!)
I am starting to notice that baby Audie is on a sleep schedule.  I know this will probably change by the time he makes his grand entrance, but its still cool to see his little routine.  He is typically awake from 8-9ish and then he snuggles down until about 12-1 in the afternoon. I don't feel him much again until about 10pm and then he is up until usually 1am.  This is the most active time, where he is twisting and turning and kicking and all over the place.  His kicks are getting stronger and i am able to see them from the outside of my belly.  His daddy loves talking to him and telling him stories and reading him books and he is even starting to respond to his voice by kicking around.
We went to the doctors for our 20 week check up and they confirmed that we are still having a boy!  The sonogram tech jokingly told us that our little guy sure isn't shy, and she wasn't lying! He was posing for each and every little picture.  Its so amazing to get to see our little man moving around and seeing how much he has grown!
Since the last post, Audie and i have moved to Houston and are both looking for jobs. This was not planned but we are making the best of the situation and are enjoying spending time with Audie's family.
The move has NOT been good on my waste line! I was doing GREAT with pacing my weight gain and making sure baby and i were eating mostly healthy meals. . . Well  - They say everything is bigger in Texas. . . And i guess that includes me!  We have only been here for a week and i have effortlessly put on 5lbs. No worries though - I have made appropriate changes to make sure i am not the size of a bus by the time the baby comes!
One of the biggest differences that i have noticed in the last couple of weeks is a change in what my stomach can handle. I am a HUGE milk drinker but i think baby wright is not as big of a fan, as it does not sit as well as it used to. I also have to be cautious when eating spicy food (which i LOVE) and my late night chocolate snack is OFF LIMITS unless i want to be up all night with a baby bouncing off the sides of my uterus.  The only thing i consistently crave is apple juice. This kid LOVES his apples. I drank an entire jug of apple juice in one day and was DYING for more by the time the night was over.
So only 17 more weeks to go and i feel like it is going SO FAST! Audie got a short term job in Southern Ohio, so we will be flying up in a couple of days. While he is hard at work, baby and i are going to drive up to spend two weeks with my family!!!! It will be back to business when we get back to Texas, as we will have to find a new doctor and start stocking up on all the fun baby items!
That's about all i have to share for now - except my favorite part... THE PICTURES!!!

 Baby Belly at 22 weeks - This is pre move to Texas. . . Now its a little bigger.  
 This is a picture of the baby from behind. You can see his little ear!
 Guess he's going to take after his mommy and have HUGE feet! 
 Kicking back with his hand under his chin. Kinda looks like he's blowing bubbles :-)
 Kinda self explanatory. 
 Same pic - Different angle. 
Side view of baby all snuggled up. so cute!! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

18 weeks and counting

Today I realized that we are almost half way through our pregnancy which gives me mixed emotions! I am excited to meet our little man but I'd be lying if i said i wasn't nervous about this whole birthing process! (who isn't) So in the last couple of weeks i have been doing my research and reading up so i can be 'prepared' and know what to expect. I think that Audie and i may have went overboard with our baby books. Luckily, we were very blessed and a lot of them were passed on to us (thanks)! My favorite book thus far is the week by week book that explains everything that is going on with me and the baby. I also signed up for a weekly e-mail from baby center that gives me updates and i LOVE that too. . . But the book shows me a life size picture of our baby week by week - which makes me feel a little more connected to him!

Not to many things have changed since the last post. Audie and I went to the doctors last week and got to hear the baby's heartbeat again (140bpm) and i have been feeling the little guy move around for about 2 weeks now. Today we the longest span of kicking to date. The poor little guy must have restless legs like his mommy cause he was kicking and flipping and being super active for 3 hours straight! Audie is even able to feel him kicking sometime. 

I haven't gotten to much bigger yet, but i feel HUGE and i am constantly hungry! I have to brag on Audie a little cause he does such an amazing job taking care of us both! He is always getting me snacks and asking how i feel. . . I have even  had meals prepared for me a 4 am cause i wake up hungry but he wants me and the baby to rest so he'll make me food! He is also very good at reminding me to take my vitamins and drink plenty of water. . . Two things i absolutely hate doing, so its good to have him holding me accountable!

I have started shopping for some baby items and i LOVE it! There are so many cute outfits out there for little boys! my favorite website so far is CUTE CUTE CUTE clothes and i keep getting 50% off deals in my e-mail. We have not gone to crazy with the clothes shopping yet because we want to make sure that our baby is for sure a boy. . . We go for our next ultrasound on the 26th and after that it is SHOP TIL YA DROP time! Thanks to whoever gave me the heads up to look at resale shops for baby items cause i have found some adorable outfits for CHEAP! Same with maternity clothes!

On to the most exciting new news thus far - although its not directly related the the baby. . . Audie has been tirelessly searching for a new home for us to bring our baby to (a one bedroom apartment would be a bit cramped for us all + visiting family) and we got the keys to our very first home this Sunday!!! Little Audie will have his own room and his own bathroom (already spoiled!) We will be moving in next weekend so I'll post some pics then!

I know i didn't give much of on update on that hematoma/bleeding but that's cause there is no update to give. Haven't had any bleeding issues in about a month and the doc says it looks like i am outta the woods but we will have to wait until the next ultrasound to determine for sure. I think that the problem dissolved. . . Especially considering how much little Audie kicks around. . . If there were still a hematoma there, he surly would have irritated it and caused some bleeding by now! SO THANK you for all the prayers!

Well that about wraps it up. Only a week and a half and we'll have more pictures of baby wright to share!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

almost 14 weeks!

Just a fair warning - this post will contain some personal information so if you'd rather not hear the details, 
skip the text and scroll right on down to the pictures! :-)

So - Lets just jump right into the nitty gritty. Many of you know, but for those of you who don't, we have had some issues with bleeding the past two weeks.  Audie and i made a trip to Texas last weekend and we had a little scare where i gushed blood, and then consistently bled for a couple of days.  We went to the ER and they confirmed that the baby was ok and my cervix was closed (meaning i was not mid-miscarriage) and sent me home to rest. When audie and i got back to our home town, we saw my ob doc and he also confirmed that the baby was ok and i just needed to rest until the bleeding stopped.  He did not seem overly concerned about the situation but told me if i started bleeding again to come back.
Well - Yesterday at work the bleeding began again and it was accompanied by some pretty intense cramping. I rested yesterday afternoon and went back to my doctors today. They did a more thorough ultrasound and saw that i have a hematoma on my uterus. NO WORRIES though because our baby doesn't seem to be bothered by it.  We just have to pray that it doesn't grow bigger and crowd the baby out or rupture (can cause major hemorrhaging.)  Since i am back on bed rest until the bleeding stops, i have had plenty of time to do online research and it looks like this is actually not that rare (10-12% of pregnant woman will develop a hemotoma in their second trimester) So that made me feel a little better. We also asked the doctor about the cramping (that's what had me really concerned) and he said that the cramping is actually caused by the bleeding. Who knew!?!?!?!?! Your body actually cramps to let you know that you are bleeding. Knowing this made me feel a whole lot better!!
So, as of right now, me and the baby just have to take it easy from now on and be on bed rest while bleeding.  When it stops i can get back to work and on my feet but i will have to be low key for a while.

NOW. . . On to the good stuff!!

So - While the ultra sound lady was doing her very thorough (and extremely invasive) sonogram,  Our little baby decided to play nice and we got to find out the gender!! We are only 13 weeks so we technically had 6 or so more weeks to wait until we got to find out. . . But baby Wright must know that this mommy-to-be does not like surprises so we got to find out early (finding out early obviously always leaves the risk of there being an error - but pictures don't lie!!)
I am not going to tell you what the baby is. . . I will let the picture speak for itself.  :-)

Baby right kicking back and relaxing. All comfy in mommy's belly!

Baby Wright's face and little baby belly!!! (you can see the little brain forming!!!)


. . . 

. . . 

. . . 

        ITS A BOY!!!
Not the best picture (we got to see pretty up close and in detail) but you get the point! 

Baby Wright is not even born yet and he already has filled the refrigerator with pictures.